
Howdy y'all. I'm living out my eucatastrophe in the Great Plains, thanks in no small part to my wife & three beautiful children.
Being surrounded by about half of the rest of my 80-something-person family doesn't hurt either.
The only thing is: I don't say either 'howdy' or 'y'll'. In fact, I've been told I sound like a particularly snooty English don.
You know, the one whom, if you come across him by chance on a dark night in one of those thousand Oxford alleys, you'd throw eggs at.
I have a collection of older cultural writings over at my substack, Hortus Scriptorius, and I'm currently writing and
interviewing on homeschooling, literature, and this crazy culture we seem to find ourselves in. I'm also writing a book
about the Figure of Speech, some snippets of which I sometimes included in my letters. Follow these links to find my Stories
and my Essays and Interviews .